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Mediatek+USB+VCOM+Drivers+(all+MTK+devices) latest version

Mediatek DA USB Vcom Drivers Windows 7/8/8.1/10

1. Firstly download the MTK USB VCOM Driver from link below and extract them to a suitable location.
2.Open device manager on your PCYou can simply open it by Control Panel > Device Manager.

3. Once you open Device Manager, click “Action” on the top left corner.Then click on the “Add legacy hardware” option.

4. This will open Add Hardware Wizard. Simply click on the Next button.

5. Now, Select Install the Hardware that I manually Select from a list (advanced) and Click on Next Button.

 6. Under “common hardware types”  > select on show all devices and click the next button.

 7. Now, you have to pick the driver’s location. Click on the “Have Disk” button and locate the “MDMCPQ.inf “on your PC.

@ then Click on the Finish button to close the Add Hardware Wizard. USB Vcom Drivers are installed successfully @

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